USS Robert A. Owens Shipmates Association

MEMBERSHIP Depends on dues being paid on time. Please ensure that you are up to date on your dues. Contact the Treasurer today if you are in doubt.

Each year there will be an updated version of DUES STATUS so that members can determine where they stand on their dues.

Membership Lists:


Rosters have been removed temporarily from the website due to lack of password protection continuance by Network Solutions. If you need information from one of the removed rosters, please contact me, the web master, and I can either give you the information in email format or I can send you a copy of the roster. As soon as the problem is rectified with Network Solutions, the rosters will be returned. Thanks for understanding. Those rosters remaining below give no personal information and have been left.

Jerry Jackson

Web Master, USS Robert A. Owens Association

For access to the Navy Times web site, the user ID is dde827 and the password is shipmate